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Showing posts from June, 2013

Farmer's Market Bounty

Last weekend I started a new job working for  Briar Rose Creamery  in their farmers market booth. I really enjoyed being outside, mingling with people and selling goat cheese! One of the concerns many people had about chèvre was that it was high in fat and calories. I remembered when I did weight watchers I was able to eat goat cheese pretty often without much guilt. So I thought I'd look up the nutrition information.  Goat Cheese Nutrition Information  This link has nutrition information for 1oz. of fresh goat cheese. The containers we sell have 4 oz of cheese in them. So an entire container of cheese has roughly 400 calories and 24g of protein. I think that's pretty awesome! After the weekend I went home with a bunch of fresh goat cheese and all sorts of green things. Markets offer lots of great veggies and artisan foods, but sometimes it can be daunting trying to figure out how to cook it in tastey ways. This being my first week with a fridge full of goat che...