I was sitting on the floor of my full weight watchers meeting today thumbing through the weekly newsletter when I ran across an article about staying motivated. The author of the article talked about going to her class reunion and how she wanted to go and show everyone how great she looks now. This things got me thinking. I remember trying to reach my goal weight even back in high school. Next year is my 10-year class reunion, and while I really could care less about what my old classmates think about my physique, I do care that I have yet to reach my goal. The good news is that even though I've been trying to lose weight unsuccessfully for 10 years, I have at least made some good dents in my lifestyle. I went to the gym with my sister tonight and started to think about how much my attitude has changed towards food and exercise. I remember hating the gym when I first went back on swim team in high school. It felt like such a waste of energy, and the machines were ...